Bicon 2003 > Contact Us > BiCon Team
The BiCon 2003 Team
The team organising this year's BiCon are drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience. Many have run BiCon before, some are newcomers adding a new perspective on how things should be done.

Entertainments Coordinator
"the BiCon Faerie Tale Ball will be a truly glittering affair"

David Matthewman
Session Programming
"Sessions are a major part of BiCon. They cover subjects both fun and serious, and range from practical belly-dancing lessons to theoretical discussions on bisexuality. The extra day at this year's BiCon gives me the chance to schedule an even more diverse programme, and I'll need it because the slots are filling up rapidly. Contact me if you'd like to run a session, or have any suggestions; even if you've never run one before, we'll give you plenty of help and encouragement."

Web Minion and Carpenter
"This is the second BiCon I've been involved in organising - it's taken ten years for me to pluck up the courage again! You can thank me for this web-site and much of the programming behind the online registration process."

Laura (Lolliepopp) Stone
Head of Minions/Volunteers - Registration Desk
"I'm looking forward to BiCon 2003 very much indeed, this will be my 8th BiCon and the first time I have ever helped to run one! I hope that you all have a fab time and please please please volunteer to help out, it'll only be for an hour or two and will help this BiCon to be the best one ever!"