Bicon 2003 > Booking > Booking by Post
Booking by Post
Registration for BiCon is on a sliding scale according to income. Rates are per person and cover registration for all four days.
Income | Unwaged | < 15k | 15-20k | 20-25k | 25-30k | 30-45k | >45k | Organisation delegates |
Registration fee: | £25 | £44 | £56 | £69 | £81 | £94 | £119 | £125 |
Note: at least a supporting registration fee must be paid before May 1 in order to be eligible for the discounted rates.
Accomodation on site is available, at a fixed cost of £27.50 per night. The deadline for booking accomodation is 11 July 2003. If you feel you will need financial assistance, we may be able to help out.
How to book
To book for BiCon 2003, please print out the booking form not on, and send it to us, along with a cheque payable to BiCon, at:
BM BiCon 27 Old Gloucester St London WC1N 3XX UNITED KINGDOM
You could also fill in a form and book online.
The booking form is currently available as a PDF file. If your computer
does not understand PDF files, you can download Adobe
Acrobat Reader, or other similar
We can also be contacted by email: info@deleted,
if you have any enquiries.