Bicon 2003 > Booking > Online Booking
Online Booking
Registration for BiCon is on a sliding scale according to income. Rates are per person and cover registration for all four days.
Income | Unwaged | < 15k | 15-20k | 20-25k | 25-30k | 30-45k | >45k | Organisation delegates |
Registration fee: | £25 | £44 | £56 | £69 | £81 | £94 | £119 | £125 |
Accomodation on site is available, at a fixed cost of £27.50 per night. The deadline for booking accomodation is 1 August 2003.
How to book
To book for BiCon, please fill in the following form. Information you must fill in is in bold. You will then have to pay by bank transfer, or by sending us a cheque - we will contact you to sort this out. We are investigating other payment options for overseas visitors.
Bank transfers should be made to BiCon, Sort Code 08-92-99, Account Number 65098691
You could also print out and fill in a booking form and book by post.